If you have ever been to Florida, then you have been told to watch it around certain areas.
Some are more infamous than others.
Most notable is a city north of Gainesville and south of Lake City called Waldo.
Most notable is a city north of Gainesville and south of Lake City called Waldo.
It is hard to miss.
Yes, you can drive too fast and pass right by without noticing, but rarely will this be possible.
For you see Waldo is a speed trap……Yet, not your ordinary speed trap…WHY?
Because several miles, before you reach Waldo, there is a huge billboard that clearly states:
Warning: Waldo SPEED TRAP.
If this weren’t enough, just around the city limits there are white speed limit signs superimposed on larger bright yellow signs that signify the rapid reduction in speed allowed. From 65 to 55 to 45 to 35…within several hundred yards of each other.
SCENARIO #1: You are doing 65mph still, or 49, or even 37 miles per hour while in this town, and you are pulled over and the police officer gives you a ticket.
They say, “You are speeding, here’s your ticket, pay your fine”. Do you have anything that you can say in your defense? More than likely NO.
O.K. let’s try something
SCENARIO #2: Let’s take down all of the signs from the billboard to the 55mph, 45mph, and the 35mph.
NO SIGNS!…Now you are driving the same way. So when the police officer pulls you over and says “You are speeding, here’s your ticket, pay your fine”.
What!!!? Wouldn’t that make you outraged that they could give you a ticket, yet you never knew what Waldo’s legal speed limit was?
What’s the point?
What’s the point?
Let me ask you, have you ever had anyone say to you, “You’re a sinner, you need to accept Jesus, or you are going to hell!”? Doesn’t that sound judgmental? I mean, who are they to say who goes to hell and who doesn’t?
Exactly the point.
Where are the SIGNS?
Have you ever heard of the Ten Commandments? The Bible says that God wrote them with His Own Finger. That is how you can know if you broke His law…not just what a person thinks.
Shall we? PLEASE No Speeding through this section.
There will be a test.
Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything in your life? Have you ever lusted after someone? Premarital sex? Have you ever used God’s name as a curse word? Have you ever created a god to suit yourself? (I believe…) Have you dishonored/disobeyed your parents at anytime in your life? Have you always set aside 1 day a week to honor God?
Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything in your life? Have you ever lusted after someone? Premarital sex? Have you ever used God’s name as a curse word? Have you ever created a god to suit yourself? (I believe…) Have you dishonored/disobeyed your parents at anytime in your life? Have you always set aside 1 day a week to honor God?
If you answered yes to all or any of these questions…you have violated God’s laws.
On Judgment Day…when you stand before God. If God judges you based on the 10 Commandments would you be innocent or guilty? If you are honest with yourself, you know you’d be guilty and go to hell.
So what can you say for yourself?…Nothing.
Sin is transgression of the law.
But God is rich in Mercy in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Repent (turn away from sin), trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation…
DRIVE SAFELY: FOR DIRECTIONS: read the Bible and obey what you read.
God will sustain you and keep you in this life and the one to come.
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